
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I've started doing one-hour environment studies. I've just been doing these based off pictures I've found on the internet, and I'm not claiming the original images, nor do I remember where I got them (probably reddit). I haven't been doing them for very long, obviously, and I've missed a few days, and I've left one out that I'm planning to make into a more finished-looking piece.
The two without reference pictures are actually from a few months back.

So here's some of my practice, then.

The wedding photo took longer than an hour and I was practicing with square brushes.
Journey picture speaks for itself; that game is amazing.

First of the new set.

Based on this person's style: 

I try to be accurate to a fault but I made the radiator brighter and I like it better.

I want to try redoing this in Yasuyuki Honne's style some time...

No fish because this one took longer than an hour and I was tired of it. There's way too much going on even in the foreground, I got lost.

EDIT: Did this one today.

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