Helmet designs.
Picked the one I wanted and messed with it a bit more.
Value comps--kind of difficult. I picked the first one.
Color comps...Maybe I did too many. Or too few?
I could only narrow it down a little bit. On the one hand, she's a sniper. On the other hand, the style I'm going for is very bright and colorful. Hmm.
The atmosphere is breathable with a filter. I started with helmets because it may or may not be the only part of her body that's visible under the camouflage cloak.
Drew some dinosaur skulls (Pterosaur, Theropod) and put the crest I wanted on them.
Basic build of the creature--Pterosaur wings and a modified small Dromaeosur body. Don't know which head I'm doing yet.
I haven't picked a head yet but I wanted to try different poses for the creature.
Edited thumbnail.