
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cyberpunk Frog Prince

I actually had...well, a little fun with this one. It wasn't as nice to work on as some other things I've done, probably because it's finals week and I'm getting sick of DigiPen and all. But still, I liked my idea and I had good references and whatnot.

Some sort of frog-shaped hovering detainment vehicle and a leather-clad, somewhat-glowy, vaguely-Asian princess. In the rain in the back alleys of downtown Dystopian-Futureville.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

CG201 Final Comps

Well, before I head off to animation I'll put up the color comps. "A" and "B" are refined thumbnails that I then enlarged for the color comps. I decided to make 15 rainy and cyberpunk instead of steampunk.

I like A Red, A Blue, and B Gold the best. I don't dislike the others, though...

CG201 Final Thumbs

I want to do the Frog Prince, but I can't decide whether to do steampunk or cyberpunk. And I'm a little torn between putting him in a frog mech or in a "frog suit"--a diving suit. Or (in the case of cyberpunk) making him some sort of froggy mutant.
We'll see.

Regardless, I'm 5, 10, 15, 3, and 6 the best.

Monday, December 3, 2012

BIO Final

As far as I could tell from reading the assignment sheet last week, we were supposed to do a bunch of thumbs, an ortho sheet, and a muscle/bone/skin sheet last week, and then a "portfolio piece" this week. So here's the portfolio piece.

He is just so sad you guys.

Friday, November 30, 2012

"Watercolor" Practice

Drew a generic thief girl for practice with watercolor painting.

I feel a little more comfortable working in color like this because everything blends more smoothly. And then I got lazy on the legs because I didn't know what kind of shoes to give her.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cage-Toothed Toad

BIO200 assignment--animal specialized for running/jumping/feeding/flying/etc. I picked feeding.

I really like this guy. I want to do a cute, not-horrifying version some time because he reminds me of Pikmin enemies. Like...Bulblax + Wollywogs. Not intentional, I realized it after he was done.

I wanted the pages to be kind of like a silly field-diary.

Glamorous Ashamed Messenger Demon

Wanted to try something different.

Anyway he's very sparkly.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Environment Part II

Suddenly realized I had to finish this TODAY because I'm busy the next two days and it's due Monday so here it is! Took way longer than it should have because I had trouble getting started, too nitpicky, etc...

I wanted to do something there you have it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Environment with Geometric Figures

I wanted some sort of fantasy-Arabian look at night, so that's what I went for. Towers and onion domes and moons and stuff. I can't decide on one that I like best...

I don't particularly like a few of them (1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13) but I can't pick from the ones I like.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Theriomorphic Creature"

I almost didn't get this one done. But Steph said she was doing a girl with a jellyfish body, so I decided to do a girl with a jellyfish head. :D

Little mermaid references ftw. Except this girl kills everyone she touches, so she can't exactly rescue any drowning princes to fall in love with.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1000-Yard Moon Laser WIP

Had to do a portrait traditionally for figure drawing. I felt like doing it digitally, so I took a picture and got to here's the greyscale. I want to add color, so wish me luck I suppose!

First pass and second pass.

Got my American civil war infantry soldier cap and a Russian sailor shirt and I didn't feel like drawing the gold laurels so I just turned it into a moon for maximum Sailor Moon references.
Seriously that show is so bad but I love it and I'm excited for the new series.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

James "Jamie" McCloud, Adventuring Through Puppyhood!

BIO 200 pivot points assignment. I decided to do a dog...decided on a Scotty...and then I decided to do my dog. He's still a puppy, so the pivot points silhouette isn't his, but the orthos are from pictures I've taken throughout his puppyhood. He's so fluffy now...

Hmm...anything else...I could only find generic dog skeletons so I modified it for Scotty's short little legs.

 Look at how proud he is of his stick! >w<
He's about the size of a football in the 7weeks picture, and about 3x that in the 16weeks picture. He's gotten so big!

Okay, I'll stop talking about my dog now... 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Komodo Orthos

They look so silly splayed out.


I wanted to do a very "WAT."-worthy creature for line practice. I usually do either hand-drawn or pen tool lines without mixing them because the pen tool leaves much crisper edges in comparison and it doesn't fit in well, but...I mean, I think it turned out okay. If very derpy-looking!

Black outlines were hand-drawn, line for the highlights and spots, the shadow underneath, nostrils and pupils, and to fill in all of the "white" areas on his body were using the pen tool. Sketchy stuff in the background was also hand-done.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Animal in Perspective - Komodo Dragon

Guess I'll do orthos next, but here's the actual assignment.

So adorable <3 I love these guys. They're like giant scaly puppy dogs whose spit can kill you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ART201 Midterm Color Comps

I did the top three and then I fiddled with saturation and I like the bottom one the best, so I'll stick with that one.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Kissyfaces 2.5

Cleaned up lineart and value comp. Gotta come up with colors now... /sigh

I'm thinking blue and orange...or something. We'll see.

Color Film Stills

Colored Film stills. Huzzah.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Kissyfaces 2.0

They have actual faces now. And better values. And...stuff. Color comps to follow, I'll prolly just edit this post and add them in.

Ignore the white blob at the top. It's so I know where the light is coming from.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


For figure drawing we've got to draw two people in the class as famous people. Well, I wanted to do pinup. So I decided to do both. Here's some thumbnails and a value comp of Lady Gaga resisting Katy Perry's tipsy advances.

Sort of inspired by the video sets on I Kissed a Girl and Bad Romance. Except Bad Romance's set is too bright so I made it dark so Gaga would stand out.  Videos because I like embedding videos.

Grey Film Stills

I'll be coloring these, too. Later.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blue Coral Snake

Here's the greyscale and color versions.

Blue Coral Snake

Eh, so I made it a worm. It was fun. I like experimenting. I've never done coral before, and this first attempt is kinda lame. I found a brush I really liked and went crazy with it...Second attempt will be better, I promise. Stay tuned for the final "portfolio piece."

Seriously, after seeing I knew I had to step it up a notch. So hopefully my later stuff will reflect that. Not so much these guys...though they sure have pretty colors. OwO

Friday, October 5, 2012

BIO Sketchies

We have to do a combo-animal using the name of an actual a horsefly that's literally part horse-part fly. But I wanted to have fun and do silly things so here are some sketches.

I was going to put a snail kite in there too but I ran out of interest. :P Back to actual homework!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tiger Attack

BIO200 assignment of an animal in three stages of an action. I picked the tiger from that famous tiger attack video and tried for a watercolor style.

Finished Tigers

Terrible preliminary sketches! Yay!
Also the famous video itself:

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


CG201 assignment: Monster in an Environment.

First draft: "Spidercrane"

Second draft: "Crested Wallcrane"

Color comp

Preliminary color version